Creative Writing Pre-Application

    Before you formally apply to the graduate MFA program in Creative Writing or pay any fees, we ask that you tell us a little about yourself so we can help you decide whether The W is the right program for you and you are right for us. We typically admit 10-15 students each year, possibly one or two more, and we want to find a the right mix of writers for our community. Of course we're looking for the best writers, and we are also looking for a diversity of writing styles and backgrounds. We also want to make sure The W's program is an affordable option for you.
    Birthdate *
    Birthdate *
    Mailing Address *
    Mailing Address *

    Letter of Intent

    Please send a brief, professional letter of intent (1-2 pages single-spaced) indicating why you are interested in our program, what your goals are for your writing, and who you are as a writer and as a person. In your letter, be sure to mention the relevant educational experiences you have had (degrees and/or classes), any publications you might have. Remember, you are required to have a bachelor's degree in hand by the time you enter our program. It isn't absolutely required that this be in English or Creative Writing, but some work in upper-level literature and writing classes can be beneficial. If you haven't studied much literature or writing, then you should account for that and discuss your background as a reader in your letter.

    Writing Sample

    Include a writing sample that includes 10-30 pages of your best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or drama. Poetry pages should be single-spaced. Fiction, nonfiction, and drama should be double-spaced. More pages aren't necessarily better. For a poetry sample, 10 pages should be sufficient. For other genres, one story, essay, or a short play should be plenty. If your stories, essays, or plays are under 15 pages, you might include a second example (or third if they're very short). Choose your best work that represents your writing and your goals for our program. A mixed-genre writing sample is allowed, but certainly is not required. Attach a cover sheet to your writing sample (do not include it in the page count) with your name and contact information: name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. Each subsequent page of the writing sample should include your name and the page number in the upper right. 

    If you have any questions email

    After review of your pre-application packet you will receive additional instructions to continue your application.