Writing Sample
Include a writing sample that includes 10-30 pages of your best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or drama. Poetry pages should be single-spaced. Fiction, nonfiction, and drama should be double-spaced. More pages aren't necessarily better. For a poetry sample, 10 pages should be sufficient. For other genres, one story, essay, or a short play should be plenty. If your stories, essays, or plays are under 15 pages, you might include a second example (or third if they're very short). Choose your best work that represents your writing and your goals for our program. A mixed-genre writing sample is allowed, but certainly is not required. Attach a cover sheet to your writing sample (do not include it in the page count) with your name and contact information: name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. Each subsequent page of the writing sample should include your name and the page number in the upper right.